Hire me — or just say hello.

What I usually tell people is that, if you need words to either:

1) sell things, or

2) teach things,

... then I’d probably love to chat.

If that sounds good, click here to send a message.

What you might want to see, though, is a list of specific things I write. In that case, I enjoy writing:

1. Websites. Landing pages, sales pages, all of it. I prefer to have a say in the site structure, as well, but that’s not a requirement.

2. Advertising. Technically all of this is advertising, but here I’m referring to digital advertising — like Twitter and Facebook — and print advertising, like in newspapers and on billboards.

3. Essays and blog posts. But not the dime-a-dozen kind.

4. Emails. I’ve run a couple of newsletters, and have written enough sales emails to say I’m in that comfortable space where I’m good at them but not completely sick of writing them just yet.

5. Almost anything else that sells or teaches. I’ve also written UX copy, press releases, newsletter ads, and a laundry list of other stuff I won’t bore you with here. If you’re unsure but think I might be able to help, reach out anyway.

If the above sounds relevant and you’d like to chat... Just click here to send me a message.